Course details of Online MA Journalism and Mass Communication.

The duration of an Online MA Journalism and Mass Communication program is typically 2 years, divided into four semesters. An MA Journalism and Mass Communication is a postgraduate program that focuses on advanced studies in journalism, media, communication, and related fields.

Online MA Journalism and Mass Communication program equips them with the knowledge and skills required for effective communication and reporting in various media formats. Here are some key aspects of an M.A Journalism and Mass Communication:


Basically, the Online MA Journalism and Mass Communication program is designed to prepare individuals for careers in the media and communication industries. The curriculum of M.A Journalism and Mass Communication covers a wide range of subjects. Therefore, the topics include journalistic writing, media ethics, communication theories, media research, public relations, digital media, television production, radio journalism, photography, and advertising. The following list is some common subjects in the Online MA Journalism and Mass Communication program:

  • Media Management
  • Television Production and Broadcasting
  • Radio Journalism and Production
  • Photojournalism and Documentary Photography
  • Advertising and Branding
  • Journalism Ethics and Laws
  • Reporting and News Writing
  • Media and Society
  • Communication Theories
  • Mass Communication Research

Eligibility criteria:

The eligibility criteria for M.A Journalism and Mass Communication may vary between institutions. However, generally, candidates need a bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university. The program opens up diverse career opportunities in journalism, media, communication, and related fields. Likewise, journalism and Mass Communication allow individuals to express their creativity through writing, reporting, photography, and multimedia storytelling. Moreover, media professionals play a significant role in shaping public opinion, creating awareness, and influencing societal change.

The field of journalism and mass communication is dynamic, also it is adapting to technological advancements and changing media landscapes. Generally, journalism and Mass Communication have global relevance, offering opportunities to work in different countries and cultures. Overall, an Online MA Journalism and Mass Communication provides a comprehensive understanding of media practices, communication strategies, and storytelling techniques. This also makes graduates well-prepared to excel in the ever-changing world of media and communication.

Here at Sahaswi Group of Institutions, you can find all types of UG, PG, Diploma, PG Diploma, and certificate programs in the distance and online education modes. Enrolling in distance or online education courses via the Sahaswi Group of Institutions, you can get UGC-approved degree certificates along with A+ grade mark sheets from your enrolled University. Also, we provide the students with exclusive online courses, live sessions, and other educational benefits.

Admission Process:

  • First, fill out and submit your application form If you have any doubt, contact us.
  • Once your form is successfully submitted, you will receive a call from our expert counselor.
  • Then select the course and university according to your interest and eligibility.
  • After that, you have to make a smooth and hassle-free online fee submission to book your seat.
  • Finally, you will get an admission confirmation directly from the University.
  • When you register for any courses via the Sahaswi Group of Institutions, you can get full guidance throughout the course completion.
  • Then, You don’t need to visit or contact the registered university for your study materials and exam details. Everything will be provided from our side.
  • Eventually, you can get an IIP login for free.
  • So don’t wait, just enroll and enjoy the benefits of distance learning with us!!

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